The Booking
We analyze the numbers and quality of your business’s reservations, taking into account the number of reservations, average price, income, and average occupancy. With this information, we get to know the ranking your business occupies in the market and create a personalized strategy to reach your goals.
We analyze the anticipation of our reservations by calculating ADR/Revenue. Knowing what our anticipation is, will allow us to know when our intelligent robots have to offer promotions in the sales channels.
Get ahead of your competitors and sell more just at the moment when its price is higher.
Last year to date and Elasticity of demand calculate our forecast.
Turbosuite performs the automatic calculation of the income forecast for the next year, taking into account historical data as well as forecasts of occupancy, prices and elasticity of future demand throughout the destination.
The hours of work in laborious Excel sheets to create your income budget are over.
Knowing the prices of the competitors that surround your business is essential to succeed. At Turbosuite we compare the prices of all the businesses available in the city, checking more than 40 differentiating factors such as your location, type, capacity, or amenities. All this in a range of 360 days.
2 million local market data in a single click.
In addition to delivering dynamic prices, Turbosuite is capable of designing a forecast and a planned strategy for promotions, offers, and campaigns. Based on this previous data, and future predictions, we obtain better insights. You no longer have to worry about scheduling the offers, our smart bots will do it for you.
Can you imagine being able to launch up to 60 different prices for each day? We take care of them with our intelligent robots.
price tool
Thanks to our analysis carried out on your business and the market, we are able to develop a dynamic price calendar based on the demand of the city, the competition, day of the week, season, events in the city, the weather and price of the competitors.
You can create rates for a whole year in just 3 minutes.
Yield manager by
sales channel
By generating the dynamic price calendar, we compare the behavior of the different sales channels, avoiding breaking the agency parity.
Manage to improve your distribution mix and sell where it is most profitable for your establishment.
Multi Dashboard
A single screen to analyze the main business results. The favorite of our revenue managers.
With this all-in-one you will have access to:
- Check in by day of the week
- Anticipation
- Revenue by sales channel
- Pick up
- Occupation
- Nights per room/accommodation
- Revenue VS ADR
Aspirational Compset
With Turbosuite you can select a list of competitors with similar characteristics. This, directly in the chosen sales channel, so you can compare yourself with your competitors.
We analyze both competitors’ average daily prices and peak demand.