Turbosuite, the new artificial intelligence and big data collaborator for the Ronda Municipal Tourism Office Published

Turbosuite, the next-generation revenue management tool for tourist accommodations and smart destinations, is honored to provide its big data and artificial intelligence services to the Ronda Municipal Tourism Office. Our goal is to support the smart destination so that it and its partners can multiply average stays and the average price per night.

In the words of our founder and CEO, Manuel Martín Florido: “Ronda is known for being part of most of the charming village routes of Andalusia. We, at Turbosuite, believe that this should be taken advantage of and capitalized on. How can we achieve this? By using our Turbosuite tool, with the aim that Ronda, with the use of big data and artificial intelligence, improves the average stay and the average price per night, thereby increasing the profitability of the destination.”

Turbosuite prioritizes the continuous development of the data analysis and artificial intelligence team to increase the automation of the revenue management process and the market study for each destination. In this way, it ensures that both tourism offices and municipalities are able to handle a larger number of data related to their destination, allowing these entities to develop a smart tourism model based on data.

Currently, we operate 12,000 properties in 21 countries and 300 cities. At Turbosuite, as a Sevillian company that we are, we are excited to collaborate with the Ronda Municipal Tourism Office and help accelerate the competitiveness of Andalusian destinations on both a national and international level.

Turbosuite is gaining great acceptance in the market, with a solution created for all types of accommodations. Additionally, it can provide municipalities and tourism offices with the necessary tools to understand tourist demand and accelerate tourism in a smart way.

If you’re curious about revenue management and smart tourism, we recommend you visit our blog, where you’ll find various articles to better understand these concepts and more, as well as resources. You can start by learning what Channel managers are. (add blog button “Channel Manager: What is it and how can it help you?”).